The area known as “Col del Mondo” is locateci within the municipality of Collecorvino, a small town near Pescara. The area surrounding the farm is a characteristic backdrop of rolling hills that stretch from the Apennines to the Adriatic coast. The Apennines, a rugged mountain range often covered by snow including the Gran Sasso and Maiella mountains, dominate the view to the west whereas to the east, a series of hills roll gently out to the sea. During the Pliocene era these surroundings were occupied by a sea opposing the young mountain range. The rivers have since brought with them silt, depositing clays, lime and sand. The following period, called the Pleistocene, was characterised by glaciations. During this time the Abruzzo region was formed by a series of glaciers and valleys that were carved out of the rock as a result of rivers stemming from vast bodies of water.
The territory
From an orographic point of view, Collecorvino is situated to the left of the Tavo Valley with plots of land vary1ng 1n altitude from 150 to 300 meters. The soil is nothing if not varied and diff ers according to the hillside and the period in which the soil was formed. It is very common to find clayey marls, often calcareous or loose soil, rich in skeletal material, especially around the top of the hills. This is indeed the case for the highest relief of the area which is called “Colle del Mondo”. Here, one can find a soil rich in morainic material which gives life to an old strain of the small but highly palatable Montepulciano Wine grape.